Clean Water for Haiti.

Clean Water for Haiti.
Item# clean-water-for-haiti
Regular price: $40.00
Sale price: $40.00
Size of fresh Water Gallons.: 

Product Description

When you volunteer to purchase 40 gallons of fresh & Clean Water for Haiti, African Prestige will ship it for free to Haiti, we want to make sure the people of Haiti are not dehydrated from the effects of this massive earth quake, Haiti must get the relief and support it needs. African Prestige has teamed up with numerous global charitable and philanthropic agencies to help in transporting clean water, food, juice and fresh produce to Haiti. With over 30 years exprience of operations in Haiti, the resilient people of Haiti need help, and that help comes in all forms. - Purchase fresh water of this Ozarka Natural Spring Water, and will be on its way to Haiti. At African Prestige, a service to humanity is a service to a far greater power than ourselves, help Haiti, and help the spirit of Humanity.