Mandingo Man Sex Pill Product for Men.
Product Description
* Enhancement for Mens /Sex Product for Men/Revitalizer Herbal Viagra Combo - Erectile Dysfunction.
* Mandingo Man Combo is a proprietary formulation of over 10 pure, natural African and traditional Chinese herbs for erectile dysfunction. All herbs are carefully screened and selected to ensure the potency, then blended in optimal ratio based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. The product is provided in the pill form.
1. Proprietary - Formulated on the basis of ancient African secret and Chinese formula of over 10 herbs for erectile dysfunction /male enhancement
2. All natural, Effective and Safe;
3. Fast Acting, Could just take 10 - 30 minutes before sex;
4. Only Use it before sex on a-need-basis;
Keeps Working (Lasts) for 120 hours after one dose (500mg)
* Epimedium (Herba epimedii)
* Ginseng (Radix ginseng)
* Wild Yam (Rhizoma dioscoreae )
* Yohimbi.
* Lycium (Lycium Chinese Mill)
* Cistanche deserticola Ma (Cistanche Salsa(C.A.Mey) Hook.f. )
* Raspberry (Rubus Chingii Hu)
* Horny goat.
* Euryale ferox Salisb (Semen Euryales)
* Schisandra Fruit (Fructus schisandrae)
* Poria fungus (Poria Cocos(Schw)Wolf)
* Longan Ari (Euphoria Longan(lour.)
To consumers The Men with sexual dysfunctions:
* Enhances Sexual Function
* Attain harder, stronger and more frequent erections
* Increase sexual libido
* Decrease premature ejaculation
* Promotes General Health
* Improvement of kidneys function and prostate health
* Anti-fatigue
* Enhancement of Immune system
* No side effects.
* For erections that last more than 24 hours, drink 12 to 16 oz of room temperature water or pure cold refrigerated water.
* Do not exceed more than 2 pills per week.
* 10 Pills per bottle.
* Delivery: 15 to 20 business days, depends on first come and first serve basis, all products will be delivered within 20 business days.