Skullcap Organic Herbs.

Skullcap Organic Herbs.
Item# skullcap-organic-herbs
Regular price: $45.00
Sale price: $45.00

Product Description

* Great for stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Popular uses for skullcap include treatment of addictions, alcoholism, afterbirth removal following childbirth, colds, convulsions, epilepsy, headache (especially a dull frontal headache with sensitivity to noise, light and odors), hysteria, insomnia, nervous tension, and stress. Skullcap teas, tincture, and alcohol extracts have been shown to lower blood pressure in dogs, cats, rabbits, and humans by dilating blood vessels, potentially lowering risk of heart attack and stroke .A bitter, cooling herb, it can also be of use in calming a sensitive stomach and strengthening the nervous system after a prolonged illness. It is indicated for nervous fear, cardiac irritability, and nervous irritation of the cerebrospinal nervous system, and has been used for neurological diseases such as epilepsy and chorea (involuntary spasms of the face and limbs). It is one of the most effective herbs for withdrawing from habitual drug and alcohol use, having considerable detoxification properties that can prevent or diminish withdrawal symptoms such as delirium tremens.

Our goal is to offer you the best quality natural herbal product available.

* These herbs are guaranteed fresh and delivered quickly! If you should have any questions or concerns, we are always here to help.

* 1/4 lb ( 4 OZ) $45 * 1/2 LB ( 8 0Z ) 88 * 1 LB ( 16 OZ )